Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Appointment # 2

Just got back from my 2nd appointment.  First appointment on 5/5 was just a nurse's visit (including that wonderful ultrasound) - this appointment was actually with one of the doctors.  Everything I read said that it would be the longest and most comprehensive visit...if that is true then I should be in and out in about 15 minutes from here on out because I was there for about 50 minutes total including checking in and checking out.  Everything looks great and I heard the heartbeat again.  It's amazing how reassuring that is.  It took her a second to find it and in that second my heart felt like it sank to the floor.  I guess I'm still just waiting for bad news.  Hopefully that will go away.  I have read that it's normal even for people who get pregnant the regular way but it's very heightened for people who've dealt with infertility, which makes sense for obvious reasons.  Heartbeat last time was 190 BPM and it was between 150-160 BPM today.  As the heart grows it doesn't have to beat as fast!  According to the old wives tale a heart rate in that range is a girl but because I'm a researcher I've already concluded that there isn't not really any evidence proving that theory.  If you think about it, the odds are 50/50 anyway so every theory is bound to be right about half the time :-)
My next appointment is June 27th and THEN July 12th is the day we are ALL waiting for!  The anatomy ultrasound!  That is code for finding out if it's a boy or a girl.  So so stoked for that but there are lots of exciting milestones in the 6 weeks between now and then and I have to remember to take things one day at a time and enjoy it! :)

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