Friday, June 10, 2011

Easy Lover

Yesterday I found myself rocking out to the Phil Collins hit "Easy Lover" in the van.  It made me think of a few things.  First, I was a totally rad baby/toddler.  I'm pretty sure that is one of the songs that I jammed to when I was 2(ish) (that is according to what I remember my mom telling me and videos I've seen, not recollections :).  Others included Lionel Richie's chart toppers "Dancing on the Ceiling" and "All Night Long" and plenty of John (Cougar) Mellencamp songs.  The parents made sure I had good tunes.  While "Easy Lover" hints at some bad behavior it's no "S&M" or "If You Seek Amy".  Which brings me to my second thought.

Baby and kid proofing these days seems to require A LOT more work.  I do agree that over time some things have gotten a little "too protective" and "too out of hand" but at the same time, better safe than sorry.  But not only do parents have to be much more aware of who is around their kids and whether or not they are going to be snatched off the street walking home from the bus stop, but also just the insane amount of pure GARBAGE on TV, the radio, the internet, the magazines, the everywhere.  I mean even thinking about some of the stuff I DVR would make me cringe if watched around a little one.  Not even the radio is safe....dirty people with their dirty lyrics.

I was talking to someone today about how I went out to play in the neighborhood for the day visiting different friends houses, playing in the creek and riding my bike until the streetlights came on or I heard my dad's ridiculously loud "time to come home" whistle.  I'm almost positive my child will never be allowed to roam the neighborhood freely visiting various friends without us know where (s)he is.  No worries though, since every 8 year old seems to have a cell phone now it shouldn't be hard to get in touch.  Really that part makes me sad.  Not the cell phone part so much (though I think it's a little crazy) but the not having the same kind of childhood.  And I know there is no way to keep the garbage completely away from our tiny new ears.  We've got to find a way to keep baby D protected without being the crazy over protective parents.  I'm sure we'll find the right balance.  I also know it's important for him/her to have other strong and positive adults in his/her life from an early age.  Thankful we have no shortage of those!!

Everything will be just fine but there sure is a lot to think about!  I guess becoming a parent really does mean being worried for at least the next 20-25 years...starting right now.  And actually, I know my parents still worry about me staying safe on a daily basis so we've now entered a lifetime full of worry.  But it's worry that comes with a joy unique and all its own!

1 comment:

  1. i think you should make him listen to Mellancamp all day long. you could throw in some phil collins and rod stewart, too.

    gone are the days when the rumored dirty scene in a disney movie is the scandal of the season.
