Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 18

There she grows!  She=me of course...can't say for 2 more days what baby D is growing in there.  I CAN say that contrary to what James will tell you if you ask him it is NOT a monkey.  We have now reached about 7 ounces, 5-5.5 inches long and about the size of a bell pepper.  Quick side note to baby D, time to stop all of your tiny baby crime spree shenanigans, you now have fingerprints!  They can ID you kid!  As EVERYONE knows, the gender appointment is TUESDAY!!  I've been trying to keep myself pretty busy this weekend and it was mostly a success :-)  I am glad that all of this excited anticipation is for something that can ONLY be good results, unlike the feeling I had waiting for news about whether or not IVF "worked".  I still feel great and wish everyone could experience pregnancy as easily as I seem to be.  I know we're not quite half way there but these 18 weeks have been great!  I do think I'm feeling more and more flutters and baby motion but I can't really be sure.  
Also, I was able to buy a Moby Wrap this week from a friend of a friend for half price!  Totally love deals and I've been looking at this wrap for a while.  We tried it out today on Driscoll baby #1 and surprisingly she loved it.  Really really loved it.  She was all snuggled up against me and not fighting to get out at all.  At one point she laid her head on me and I was pretty sure she'd be out in about 5 seconds.  Here she is:

Hopefully that's a good sign that baby D will love it too, but worst case we can just haul Madigan around in it when she's feeling neglected - hehe.  I'll be back on Tuesday evening with long awaited results!


  1. HAHA.....little puppy :)

  2. Ohhh yeah, my bump definately eats your bump for breakfast. You look adorable!!


  3. For your sake on Tuesday, I hope your baby is an exhibitionist who likes to flash the camera ;-)

  4. I hope so too! Knowing what giant pervs the parents are I'm sure it won't be an issue...the apple probably won't fall far from that tree :)
