Sooooo, our stubborn little cuss sure was difficult today! We had a packed house in the ultrasound room - James, mom, dad, Jill, Jordan, Christa, mamaw, Clayton and his mom Angie. When the ultrasound tech rolled over his head he had his hand up over his face. Shortly after that he proved that he can double his difficultness by contorting himself and bringing his foot up to his face too! He was grabbing his foot which was cute, but blocking his face. She had me move from side to side but nothing I was doing was making him move at all. She moved up and down his little body - we got to see his heart (he also had the hiccups at one point - super cute) and got even more confirmation that we are indeed having a boy (see below...there is simply no way it's NOT a boy...heehee). Finally, after I drank some cold water and ate some of Christa's goo goos (goldfish) and he still wasn't moving she told us that she didn't have another appointment for a while so we should go out and walk around a bit. Jill asked if there was anywhere to get a candy bar or something with sugar and there just happened to be a pastry shop/gelato place right around the corner within walking distance. So off we went and I got some mint chocolate chip gelato.
I inhaled it like it was my job. It was super hard to force myself to eat it seeing how I hate mint chocolate chip ice cream but I took one for the team. We walked back and he was still pretty much in the same position. After moving side to side a few more times he at least moved his feet down and we got a bit of a face view. HE certainly loved the ice cream - he was opening and closing his little mouth, sucking and then was licking the umbilical cord (which was funny because I had just told a story about how a friend of mine was just at this same place getting a 3D/4D ultrasound a few weeks ago and her little girl was licking the umbilical cord). So - here is what she got below but the good thing is she offered to let me come back next week to try again! So, next Tuesday and 1:30 James and I will go back in and hopefully get a better view of his face. For now he looks like he has nice full lips and a little button nose. And, for the record, Prenatal Peek in Durham ROCKS!
All she could get before we went for ice cream (half a face)
A bit better afterward
Not surprisingly, he already has hair!
Seeeee? No question there!
Awwweeee!!!! Love em! based on the 2nd pic, our babes have the same lips. ;) Did you have Christy? I love that you got to see the licking of the cord too. What silly babies we have!!! Glad you had a good experience at PP!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tabi! I don't actually remember her name...doh. But she was super sweet - loved it!