I will start with a warning - some of this stuff falls squarely in the "TMI" category. That being said, the first one in particular caught me quite off guard so if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the future you should know.
Last week (which would put me at around 27.5 weeks) seemingly overnight I got really weird sore. I woke up and felt like I had ridden a horse for hours and hours. I figured I had probably done something work related that I shouldn't have the day before and just assumed that I was getting out of shape...but what could have possibly caused horse-riding soreness?! It got a bit worse throughout the day and hung around for a few days and nights. My back joined in for a day or two as well and one night I was sure I wouldn't get a wink of sleep because I couldn't find a position where my back didn't feel like I had a pinched nerve. I asked a friend if the soreness was baby related and did some research to find that the answer is YES. Essentially my joints and ligaments are already loosing in preparation to get him OUT. It has gone away for now but I'm sure it'll revisit several times in the next few weeks. The back seems to be tied to how much I do or don't take it easy. A big day of just standing (or cleaning) seems to lead to more back pain at night. I guess that makes sense.
Second, my hips are gone. I noticed a while back that while the outward growth is pretty much concentrated throughout the front of me I've gone from a noticeable inward/outward curve where my jeans (used to) sit to nearly a straight line from top to bottom. My hips are joining in the loosing - a little weird and creepy but also truly amazing 1) that my body KNOWS what to do and 2) that my body is capable of doing it (and all in perfect timing).
Third, I rest my arm on top of my belly without realizing I'm doing it. I've been comforted by watching other pregnant women and seeing them do the same thing. It happens when I sit and when I stand. Maybe since my hips have disappeared I just naturally found something else to rest on (instead of hand on hip it's arm across belly). In the same vein, I also almost always put my hand on my belly to feel him moving once he starts moving. I love to feel it inside and outside at the same time. I love imagining him happy as a clam floating and twisting around in there without a care in the world.
Fourth, I think I've covered this before, I am SO congested! I haven't noticed swelling anywhere else really but my nasal membranes must be all kinds of swollen because I wake up totally stopped up most of the time and it continues throughout the day.
Fifth, I haven't determined if this is pregnancy related but we'll say yes. I have been getting so many ingrown hairs it's ridiculous. My right armpit looks like it has teenage acne. It's gross. And it hurts. I've also gotten them on my legs. A friend who is a pharmacist recommended ichthammol and after a bit of a search I found a CVS that had some in stock. The directions say to put it on a bandage or gauze once or twice a day and not to rub it in. It was CERTAINLY not what I expected! It's a black paste that looks like tar and smells....awful...instant gagging kind of awful (James says like axle grease...I'll take his word for it). He helped me bandage up my pit and then I tried to sleep with my nose as far away from that armpit as possible. I'm pretty sure I actually woke myself up at one point because I changed positions and got a whiff of it. I am happy to report however that she did not lead me astray. Even after one night it looks better and has continued to look better. I haven't mustered up the courage to do it again but I will in the next week or so because my dress for Jill's wedding is a halter and enough attention will be drawn to me as it is without having pit zits. Gross. Moving on.
Sixth, it is unfortunately true that some bladder control is lost during pregnancy. I have to squeeze my legs together when I sneeze or cough because I know there is a possibility I might get more than I bargained for. This phenomenon used to be hilarious to me. It is no longer funny at all. Joining club sneeze-and-pee is definitely an unfortunate side effect of carrying this little man around. And before you even ask, I'm trying to do Kegels but I still don't think I'm doing it right so it just feels like a waste of time and effort. And it INSTANTLY makes me have to pee...which circles us around to the original problem...without proper bladder control it is not in my best interest to do anything to make me have to go even more than I already do.
Finally, I think I've completely lost my ability to balance my focus. I'm either floating off in lala land not accomplishing anything (unless someone added staring into space or walking around aimlessly to my to do list) or checking things off the list with laser beam focus and lightning speed. Checking things off is great but those trips to lala land are costing me valuable time that I don't really have to waste.
I know I already said "finally" but this last thing isn't really something I've noticed, it's just something that happened. I closed the door on my belly today at the doctor's office. STILL not aware of how far I'm sticking out. I mean really - closing a finger in the door I understand but a whole belly?! Guess I need to start over exaggerating what I do so that he doesn't come out black and blue and dented (James is convinced he's coming out dented anyway because of how much I poke him to get him to move :)